Thursday, March 01, 2007

Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth

In a recent article I read pertaining to the new movie "The Lost Tomb of Jesus", the headlines reading "Theologians, scholars scoff "Lost Tomb" tale ", I had this sudden and overwhelming urge to seriously question some of these "scholars". First of all, Christianity is not the only religion that refers to, and adheres to, the teachings of both God and Jesus. Secondly, Jesus was not Christian at all. He was Jewish. Last, but not least, (cliche, I know)a very important question for these 'scholars' to answer: Were any of you actually present at any point during the physical life of Jesus, or any member of his family? If so, please proceed to the nearest DNA research lab. There are many doctors wanting to take a very close look at you. If not, do the rest of the world a favor and shut up with the "Because it is clearly written in the Bible" crap.

While I am neither agreeing, nor disagreeing with the theories behind 'The Lost Tomb of Jesus' movie, I am going to point out a few facts, and allow everyone to form their own opinions from that point. One thing to keep in mind while reading through this as well, is the fact that the Bible, in general, is a type of history book. Also, bear in mind the time frames in which the texts for the Bible were written (thus also allowing for the mind set of those individuals who wrote these texts, that are based upon that particular set of time periods, rather than our understanding in the world we live in today).

Let's begin by spanning all the way back to Corinth, in 41 A. D. This is the year that the first Christian church was established. I said church. As in, physical building. As in, a building in which people can go to practice their faith. As in, not Jewish. Let's also get one thing straight right now, for those of you 'die-hard-born-again-90-times-over' Christian folks: Jesus was NOT Christian. He was Jewish. It's really that simple.

In order to get to that point however, we also have to remember that the Bible begins with Adam and Eve, as being the first two people to 'understand' and 'know' God. It does NOT state that Adam and Eve were the first two people on the face of this planet, although it does 'hint' at that theory. The book of Genesis also goes on to tell about how everything was 'created'. For you Evolutionists out there, it's probably safe to assume that your view on creationism and the overall concept of the first few portions of Genesis are looked upon as 'hogwash'. Based upon the 'creationistic' theories behind the beginning of, well...everything, this would mean that the text in the Bible now spans back approximately 4 billion years. Don't you just love science right now?

What I want to know is who, exactly, was around to take all this information from God, to hand down through the generations to mankind (For those politically correct people out there, bite me. It's 'mankind'. Deal with it.). I also want to know how it is even possible for any human like form to be made out of 'dirt and ribs'. Ok, maybe we should just all 'go with the flow' and do as the scholars ask us to, by simply 'believe in the miraculous'? For me, that's not going to happen. I want to know what's going on. I want to know where I came from. How humanity, in and of itself, came to be what it is today. At least the Evolutionists have the benefit in this area. They can actually show us how we developed throughout the ages. Of course, there's always the creationist that will pipe up and say "oh yeah? Well if man evolved from apes, why are there still apes? Answer that one wise guy!". Oh brother....

The essence of this entire article though is not to put more fodder in the proverbial feeding troughs for both scholars and scientists. It is simply written with the thought process of "Hey, why not? Why can't Cameron's theory be correct? Why do we have to read a pile of mindless debunking from 'scholars' and 'theologians' that, when boiled down to the main statement, adds up to no more than two basic reasoning factors. 1. "Because we said so" and 2."Can't you people just learn to believe in miracles already?" The answer to both: 'No'.

Why should I personally buy into the scholar's retorts pertaining to this movie? Much less pertaining to the over all concept of religion, in and of itself. These scholars even went so far as to deem Cameron's movie "Heresy", based upon his suggestions that Mary Magdelene and Jesus might have had a child together. What is it about this theory that has everyone so bent out of shape?! It is seriously that impossible for people to believe that Jesus (being a man) and Mary (being a woman) could have possibly had a physical relationship with each other?

In an era when it was highly acceptable, and in some areas expected, for men to have more than one wife at a time, why is it so upsetting to modern society to believe, even for a brief passing moment, that Jesus just might have been married? To Mary? At any point? We're talking about a man who was deemed to be 'the son of God', who stood at the edge of a stoning pit, held a stone over his head and proclaimed "Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone". What many people neglect to notice is that Jesus himself, never cast one stone. "Oh but he was Jesus!", and "Jesus would never do such a horrible thing!" We cannot, for one moment, believe that Jesus himself might have... SINNED?!

Overall, I'm asking only that when you watch "The Lost Tomb of Jesus", keep an open mind. Please. Religion is taking a turn. A big turn. The understanding that we have now, of the data that has been provided for us to study from centuries ago, is astounding. We're learning more and more as each moment passes about out 'religious' past. So when watching this movie, just remember.... NO the earth was not created in 1 day, and science has proven that a million times over. It is not impossible for Jesus to have lived a human life. In fact, there are approximately 15 years of Jesus' life that go unwritten about in the texts of the Bible. Think to yourself, "Why is that"?

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