Friday, March 30, 2007

What Will Happen Next?

For the life of me I can barely tolerate to read some of the news stories these days. It seems that the entire globe has up and lost its mind all over the place, leaving the rest of us to wonder what will happen next?

I ponder some of the things I see in the news. Primarily, how disgraceful it is to see someone's personal life splattered out in print, laying about everyone's home. Who cares if Michael Jackson is in the hospital? Isn't that HIS business? Everyone already knows that Kate Middleton is Prince William's long-time girlfriend. Is it really necessary to take photographs of her while she's walking down the street with a coffee in her hand? What's going to be next? Headlines reading "Kate Middleton Uses Telephone"?!

Then we turn to Karl Rove, who enjoyed himself at a dinner party with some comedians. Within hours it was splattered all over YouTube, and made headlines for 3 days. What in the world is so terribly amusing about a person enjoying himself with colleagues?! I don't understand what makes that 'news-worthy'.

Then we have a French nun, who claims that Pope John Paul II healed her from Parkinson's Disease from the grave. And, there's Britney Spears' divorce. Paris Hilton facing 90 days in jail. Jonny Depp making yet another movie. 15 Brittish soldiers captured in Iran. Reported CIA torture in the Guantimano prison. Let's also not forget American Idol issues, the new Miss USA, new discoveries in Oncology that will no doubtedly take the FDA another 10 years to approve of while thousands of people continue to perish because of Cancer each year, and... to put the icing on an already over-loaded cake, Alec Baldwin reportedly is paying a G.I.'s full college tuition, because he became 'emotionally moved' after reading her story in the NY Times.

PUH-LEASE!! This is getting bonkers!! Teachers are threatening to go on strike in California. Meanwhile, no one can seem to locate the exact origin of the toxins found in 95 brands of moist pet food. Further south, the U.S. gets slammed with 65 tornadoes (and these people will likely rebuild and continue to live there.... I have my own opinions about those people, which I will leave to myself), with 4 people dead, hundreds left homeless, thousands without power... HELLO? Are we getting the picture here yet?

Now, there's reports of a set of three kids who beat the ever loving daylights out of a 56 year old homeless Vietnam vet with bricks, after slamming the poor man into a cement brick wall. And would someone please tell me why it is of any importance that Rudolph Guliani's wife has been married three times? Like this is uncommon in this day and age?

Really, when are we going to see NICE headlines? Perhaps something a bit more "kind". GOOD news, that actually makes headlines. Does news always have to be bad, in order to be considered news? When was the last time anyone read anything GOOD in the 'major' headlines? All we hear is bad news. When we watch television news programs, we hear 'mostly bad news' that is splattered slightly with 'one or two very small but really GOOD pieces of news'... just to 'even things out a bit'. Oh bullcrap!!

What would I LOVE to see? Nothing but really great news headlines. I mean SUPER news. News that will make the entire nation put on a great big smile. Seriously, how many people do you think would actually SAVE those papers, for the sole purpose of proving, that just for ONE DAY..there was nothing but GOOD news, throughout the entire paper? Now THAT would make headlines!!

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