Friday, July 11, 2008

Struggling To Find Balance

On July 11, the New York Times wrote an article called 'McCain Adviser Refers To Nation Of Whiners. Apparently someone needs to inform Sen. McCain that a continual contradiction of yourself is generally something that the people of the US pick up on easily. Sen. McCain stated that "The person here in Michigan who just lost his job is not in a mental recession".... and then followed it with the statement, "I think you could argue that Americans over all are better off". This was compounded with an earlier statement of, "America is hurting".

Ok, so, are we hurting, or better off? He was holding his meeting at the Bayloff Stamped Products plant, which provides metal components to car manufacturers. If you've been able to keep up with the news lately on this particular topic, GM recently had to fend off reports that it was close to being bankrupt. GM also closed 2 of its plant doors in Ontario, Canada.

The blatant idiocy that spews from Sen. McCain's mouth shows him to be almost as mentally recessed as Bush is. Statements such as, "Every technological advance we've made in the 21st century and throughout the 20th has come from the United States of America".

Let me see if I get this straight, every (not some, or even most, but 'every') technological (which is a word defined properly as 'the practical application of knowledge, especially in the area of engineering') advance we've made in the 21st century and throughout the 20th (which, in the way this statement is phrased, sounds a bit retardant to begin with), has come from the United States of America. Hmm.... I had no idea that nations such as Japan, France, Germany, Italy, England and Russia were properties of the United States. And here all this time, I thought those were nations which were independent of each other. Silly me.

See, when it comes to politics, everything a politician says is a two way street, regardless of who that politician is. The philosophy is to tell the people the truth, but only part of it, and usually it's the part of the truth the people want (and sometimes need) to hear. It's just not the whole truth. When Sen. McCain is speaking of 'every technological advance', he's not referring to ALL technological advances, just some of them. Not even most of them...just some of them.

When it comes to medical engineering, most of the technological advances have come out of places like Japan, England, Italy and France. When it comes to automotive advances, most of the technological advances have come from Germany and France. When it comes to aerospace advances, most have come from Germany and Russia. I fail to see the United States mentioned in any of these.

My advice to Sen. McCain? Do your own homework before standing up in front of a crowd of people (any people) to talk. As it is, McCain is fighting a losing battle just because he's a Bush puppet. If he wants to even have a fighting chance at making sense to anyone, ever, at all, at anytime in the future....he needs to really do his own research before trying to stuff more feet in his mouth.

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