Thursday, July 12, 2007

Perpetual Papacy

I know this may come as a shock to many of you out there but, The pope, is Catholic. For whatever reason, Pope Benedict XVI's statements in regard to this fact, have put the world's religious community into an outrage. Why does this remind me of the days of King Henry VIII?

As my husband said, "Well what else is he supposed to be?" yeah, what else is the Pope supposed to be? The document that the Pope released was mainly focused on what the Vatican constitutes as the 'definition of a church'. Meaning, that the Catholic church is defined through it's traceable bishops, that span back to what the Catholic church believes are Christ's original apostles. For whatever reason, this has made the Orthodox Christians highly uncomfortable.

Let me reiterate this for those of you die hard Christians out there.... you are making a huge mountainous problem out of one document, that establishes the historical and well known lineage of the Christian faith as a whole.... which is substantially based around a man who was never, in his entire life, Christian. I'll repeat that in brief because it sounds, vaguely important.

The Protestant community is getting upset over a Catholic document that defines what a church is (for Catholics, not anyone else), that is based upon a religion that's derived from the teachings of a JEW. Hey, as long as the pope isn't planning on saying his weekly mass with a cross in one hand and an AK-47 in the other, I personally don't care what documents he puts out.

Want a brief historical set up for modern religion? Ok... Mary and Joseph gave birth to Jesus, who was to be raised as a Jew, grow up as the son of God, be convicted, publically tortured and then crucified, and approximately 5 years after this man's death, a world wide religion was to be officially established, and would grow to be the #1 cause of death, destruction, mayhem, disorder, misc. crime and war in the entire history of the world.

Think about this would you please people? For you Protestants out there, get a grip on yourselves ok? It's not like the Vatican just announced that they were changing over to an all pink and yellow striped wardrobe. For you other faithful masses out there that are not Protestant. Stop griping, this has no bearing on you what so ever. If it does... convert to Catholism and shut up about it. For you Catholics out there, well... at least you have a religious leader that's willing to publically state the obvious. Yay you?


Anonymous said...

Hi. First of all, you write really well, and I enjoy reading your articles. I'm not trying to convince people to not read them or something. But this paragraph just really bugged me and I couldn't keep quiet:
Want a brief historical set up for modern religion? Ok... Mary and Joseph gave birth to Jesus No they didn't. Mary gave birth to Jesus. Joseph took care of Mary, and got her to Bethlehem in time for Mary to give birth to Jesus, but Joseph didn't have any part in the creation of Jesus - it was the Holy Spirit who did that., who was to be raised as a Jew, grow up as the son of God Jesus didn't "grow up as" the son of God.. he WAS the son of God. Also.. Jesus was a Jew, yes. This was because Christianity didn't exactly exist before Jesus Christ died for our sins. Note the resemblance between the words "Christ" and "CHRISTianity"... I don't know much about Judaism, but I know that Jews worship one God, as do Christians. The biggest difference between Jews and Christians is that Jews believe that Jesus was just another prophet - like Elijah, or John the Baptist - and that the savior of the universe has not yet come. Obviously, Jesus could not have been raised as a Christian, believing that he had already been saved.. If he believed the savior of the universe had already come, then why on earth would he have died willingly on the cross to save us?, be convicted Convicted, yes, but not for doing anything wrong. No one could find him guilty, but people were scared of what he was telling them, and didn't want to believe him, so they "got rid of him" (but he came back, didn't he!) publically tortured spelt "publicly". ..sorry. I'm a bit of a freak.. :) and then crucified, and approximately 5 years after this man's death, a world wide religion was to be officially established "sigh." where do you come up with this? First of all, you left something out. Jesus did not just simply die. He ROSE FROM THE DEAD three days later!(Yes it's awesome. And impossible to understand with our tiny human brains. But so's God. And Jesus is God.) Now that you've got that, may I continue? ..Soon after Jesus ascended into heaven - which was 40 days after he was resurrected - the 11 remaining apostles were gathered and the Holy Spirit came "upon" them (or "to them", if that makes more sense to you), and they immediately started preaching "the good news" (just a side note: "the good news" was basically the New Testament)(i'd say Christianity begins here) to everyone they met, in every language. (..pretty cool, no? I mean, they'd never learned to speak these other languages before.. they were just ordinary men - fishermen and stuff; not scholars - who had been asked one day, by Jesus, to follow him, and had said yes.. and now they were talking to people about Jesus in all these different languages and they didn't even really understand how) I don't know where you came up with 5 years. , and would grow to be the #1 cause of death, destruction, mayhem, disorder, misc. crime and war in the entire history of the world Yes. Can't deny that one. But it's not God himself who is the #1 cause of death, destruction, etc., is it? God gave us free will, and he loves us and doesn't want us to do that sort of stuff, but he respects our free will, so he couldn't, out of respect for us, just go and force all the Crusaders' brains (Don't ask me why I'm talking about medieval history all of a sudden. Because I really don't know) to start thinking "Let's not kill them because they don't believe what we believe, let's love them!" (uh.. yeah.. lol). He can try to convince us to change our minds, through all his awesome, and sometimes seemingly really weird ways, but he can't make the decision for us. We have free will. We've got to do that part. (I'd say that's pretty cool, too. I mean, God's given us free will, and even though we can be really stupid and abuse that free will, he loves us and isn't about to take it from us .
That's all..
Have a great day!! :)

Oh, by the way (I guess that wasn't all?).. if the Vatican announced that they were changing over to an all pink and yellow striped wardrobe... that would be really cool! :P

Anonymous said...

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