Thursday, May 31, 2007

Cindy Sheehan resigns as 'face' of antiwar movement |

Cindy Sheehan resigns as 'face' of antiwar movement . Finally. Although I have personally sat at my desk on many occasions, pondering the thoughts and perhaps tremendous emotional chaos that must have originally driven this mourning mother into such national action, I can also honestly say that I'm glad her mess is finally over for the nation. Well, at least for the time being.

I viewed this woman's behavior as nothing short of an arrogant, self-indulgent, pity party on a national level. She is by far not the only mother to have lost a child to the war. She was not the first, nor will she be the last. Thousands of soldiers have perished since her son's life ended. Thousands. Not hundreds. THOUSANDS. And still, she somehow had the almighty arrogance to go so far as to buy 5 acres of land in Crawford, Texas and name it "Camp Casey" (after her fallen son), which just so happens to lie right outside of President Bush's personal ranch home. You read this properly. The insurance company paid her a little over $50,000 US dollars when her son was killed in the war, and instead of using this in a proper and more civilized manner, on something that would allow her son's memory to live on, she chose to purchase 5 acres of land in Texas to 'call out' the president and 'demanded' to know why her son was killed.

Excuse me. WHY her son was killed? This is war time, where thousands of men, women and children are being killed all over the m middle eastern area and she is bubble-headed enough to ask WHY her son was killed? It's a freaking war! Why do you think her son was killed? CAUSE HE VOLUNTARILY ENLISTED INTO THE MILITARY!!! How basic and simple is that? Anyone, ANYONE, who joins the military, EVER, is fully trained to understand that they can go into combat and lose their lives by any number of means, in any nation around the world where they are posted. Bullets + gun + person holding gun = a whole lotta dead people during a war.

While it is true that no parent should have to bury their child, it is also true that no parent can always save their child from death at all times in all situations. Hopefully, Ms. Sheehan will now begin the next stages of mourning, and allow not only herself, but the rest of the nation, to get on with their lives. She needs to remember, we're ALL mourning, and not just Americans. I'm simply looking forward to the day that we can all take a moment out of our day to observe a moment of silence and celebrate the loss of something that's been afflicting people since the dawn of human kind. Something like, the total erratication of infectious and lethal diseases. Homelessness. Poverty. All this mourning stuff is truly and most sincerely far over rated. In fact... it needs to be stopped. Life is too short to mourn allow yourself to mourn for too long.

Think about it this way. If you were the one that was killed, and looking down upon those in your life that are still living... would you want to see happy scenes, or a bunch of people crying, carrying on, sobbing and everyone wearing black? Life is too colorful to waste on death. Dead people don't care about mourning either. Why would they? They're dead!

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