Saturday, November 12, 2005

Abortion battle woman's daughter is pregnant

Now this is a mom I want to meet. Finally a mother that has her head on straight. One who's not sitting around telling tall tails to her daughters and thinking even for one second that her daughters are the least bit fearful about having sex as teenagers. Here's a mother who is standing up and telling her children, "Look, I do not believe in abortion, and I am hoping that you also believe the same as I, but I'm no fool to think that you are not interested in sex. So let's get you some information so that you are armed with the knowledge that you need to have in order to protect yourself from the many side-effects and pregnancies that come with having an active sex life".

I have a similar philosophy. I too have a teenaged daughter, and I know for a fact that she too also has an active sex life. I arm her with all the knowledge and aide that I possibly can so that she will not have unwanted pregnancies, nor will she have to worry about those nasty 'side effects' that come in the form of disease and ailments. As I understand it, statistically, 1 out of every 4 Americans has Herpes in some form or another. Considering the population of this country alone, those are some pretty high and scarey numbers. I want to see to it that my daughter is protected as much as humanly possible just from Herpes alone, nevermind Aides and other horrible and life-threatening diseases.

I also understand how very uncomfortablt it can be for any teenager, regardless of their gender, to have an open and candid discussion about sex and human sexuality with their parents. One little 'down home' saying that I feel all parents ought to keep in mind, especially those who are still sexually active, is the fact that if they didn't have sex, their kids would not be here, and if they want grandchildren to dote on sometime in the future, their children aren't going to hatch those grandchildren from a laboratory.

And why people keep fighting the Rowe vs Wade issue is beyond me. To this day, over 25 years after the Supreme Court ruling on that historical precident, there are millions of angry people walking around scorning those who make their LEGAL decision to abort an unwanted pregnancy. What is wrong with these people? It's a law. The people of the United States are allowed, by law, to terminate unwated pregnancies. I personally do not agree with abortion, but that does not mean that I want to run into the court room and let the whole world know that regardless of the law I'm going to do everything in my power to over-throw those laws, even if I have to be sneaky about it and wither it down to smaller courts...just to make my point. And there are thousands of people who play that childish game annually.

So instead of worrying about our daughters sneaking off to abortion clinics to terminate unwated pregnancies, why not just take his mother's advice and arm these girls with knowledge, and the right to know all they can about having an active sex life, including all the details on the many forms of birth control out there....with the same patient/doctor confidentiality that adults share? What's wrong? Is everyone afraid their children might grow up not needing them anymore? But then again, isn't the job of a parent to raise their child so that leaning on them is no longer necessary?

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